Thanks guys for all the assistance! Not going to Gunnison so won't worry about construction on Hwy 50. Had heard about the nasty delays.
Thanks also for the alternate route idea (145 to 62). Notice that on both of those roads there is notation on my maps of "tunnels". On 145 it looks like "Lizard Head Pass" and on 62 it looks listed as "Dallas Divide". We are 13'2". Any idea of the limitations on those tunnels? Guess I could check Colorado Dept of Transportation/Highways, they may have them listed.
BarryG20 may take your suggestion about going one way, coming back the other! See more country. We've traveled some very "interesting" roads on our travels and hubby (driver) is comfortable and accomplished with roads like in the photo. He used to travel code 3 on very curvy roads with no guardrails. I as the "nagivator":) am more the white knuckle rider but enjoy the scenery so won't limit his skills. He'd much rather deal with narrow roads and drop offs than driving through SLC or Denver during rush hour or any time for that matter.
Again, thanks for input. Appreciate it!!