Years ago we left Atlanta for a family reunion on the Oregon Coast. We were in our minivan. It was crammed full with 5 of our 6 kids (ages 7-16), so we drove up to I-40 and didn't stop until we hit Albuqueque. Had family there, so we rested up a couple of nights and saw old town Albuq. BTW: DH and I revisited last 4th of July and still enjoyed it. Especially, good Mexican food, much better than anything we had had in San Antonio.
Then from there we headed to the Grand Canyon. Before GPS, I depended on my Road Atlas. Knew we needed a break before the GCnyon, so when I saw we'd be going through the Petrified Forest NP, we decided to take a break. We walked, we ooed and awwded and took video of the petrified rock sculptures, some were "talking rocks" and the beautiful views of the Painted Desert. We ALL thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Finally, I had to call everyone back into the minivan for the final time and it was off to the Grand Canyon.
Amazingly, I found it not as exciting and sort of a letdown. We walked around, took a few photos, lost 2 of the kids (oldest and youngest) who decided to try one of the trails down into the canyon and headed west through the Mojave Desert. We timed it so we'd be driving at night, because we heard it would be too hot in July for most radiators.
From GC, we drove up to the Redwood Forest. Our Astro van with mirrors pulled in was just wide enough, that we could drive through one of the trees at the Visitor's Center. Also a highlight of our trip.