portliz wrote:
Lots of info. Thanks. I want him to be able to download books from our library here. Sounds like he needs to preload before we leave. Not practical. Is there any eReader that will allow him to do this from Florida? Did he understand from my quick read that it can be done by loading ion computer first
You don't have to pre-load first. That's just our preference since we acquire ebooks throughout the year and usually have many unread already on our KOBO before we leave. The simplist approach for new ebooks while in Florida if one has a KOBO eReader is to buy ebooks from Chapters/ Indio but we have also purchased from Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble. The latter two require more machinations.
Again, there are many many many sources for free ebooks and this is where the Calibre program on the computer really facilitates. We download these ebooks to our computer and then use Calibre to transfer them to the KOBO eReader.
We also prefer to use the computer to transfer purchased ebooks to the eReader rather than directly syncronize the eReader via WIFI to our ebook library under our KOBO account, but you can bypass the computer in this instance if you have a WIFI source.
We have also loaded many ebooks onto the KOBO from our public library while in Florida (as noted there can be a waiting period for these after placing a request. Sometimes months). Kind of neat sitting in a state park and adding an eBook from your home library located 2000 miles away. This is a relatively straightforward process if your library supports it. KOBO has some information here:
Ebook from Public LibraryOne can keep this stuff as simple or as sophisticated as one wants. Like some others we much prefer to read ebooks on an actual eReader as opposed to a computer or tablet although we have done the latter too.
The good news is that a Canadian eReader will definitely work in Florida!