Forum Discussion

Bigdog's avatar
May 08, 2018

Eugene to Lincoln City

This may sound funny but even though I have been over most of them, just not from the south, I'm looking for the best route to Lincoln City.
I-5 to Salem,then 22 to 18 and over.
99 to 20 and across. this looks the more leisurely route and also takes me up a bit of the coast.
I-5 to Lebannon to Corvallis and up to Dallas and across 22 to 18.

40' Tradewinds DP towing and a brand new rebuilt 3126B
  • Eugene to Junction City on 99. In Jct. City take 99W north to Corvallis. Then you can choose to go West on 20 to Newport then L.C. Or stay on 99 to Rickreall, take 22 to 18 into L.C. Toss up about any way. I'll always take a back road rather than a freeway unless time is of importance.

    Another way is to take all suggestions, put them on the wall, then throw darts at 'em.
  • It depends on whether you want to get there in a hurry or enjoy the journey. If the latter, I would take 126 to Florence and enjoy the scenic drive up 101 to Lincoln City. Any of the other routes mentioned are good ones. If you take the "I-5 to Lebanon to Corvallis and up to Dallas and across 22 to 18" route, stop in Dallas and say hello.
  • 22 out of salem, 35 minutes to 18 35 minutes on 18 dumps you right on the north end of Lincoln City. If your destination is south end, then cut over past Corvallis. 22 is 4 lane from the Marion Steet bridge to Dallas cutoff.