Forum Discussion

roywho_colorado's avatar
Aug 13, 2013

First time across Wyoming

Hello! We are brand new RV-ers, taking out Fifth Wheel on it's first trip out of state (third trip total). We want to travel from Cheyenne, Wyoming to Yellowstone National Park. Interested in best route, we want to avoid a lot of steep grades or tiny roads. We are considering going North to Casper on I-25, then NorthWest to Cody via Hwy 20/26 to 120 into Cody. Our second option is West out of Cheyenne on I-80 then 189/191 North all the way to West Yellowstone Montana. We have never been there before so best side of the park to camp is also a consideration - either Cody, Wyoming out the East Gate or West Yellowstone, Montana out the West Gate. It looks like pluses and minuses for each route, wondering what other experiences have been for anyone who's done this drive, or any tips the experienced might have for us on this route!
Thank you!