QueenD wrote:
We are taking our first trip to mountains in motorhome. Looking on info taking Hwy 441 from Greensboro, GA to Cherokee, nc. Have a 1997 gas motorhome 36 foot. Are we going yo encounter any steep mountains?
I'm not familiar with Hwy 441, but what I will tell you will work no matter where you are driving.
As you're climbing grades, keep an eye on your engine and transmission temps. If you don't have guages for each of them, I suggest adding them before your trip. If your temps climb too high it's much easier (and cheaper) to pull over and let them cool off than to fry a tranny on the way up a mountain pass. (don't ask how I know, lol)
And don't rush. The faster a MH travels, the engine and trans temps usually climb exponentially. (It gets harder and harder to push a big square box down the road fighting air displacement the faster you go.)
P.S. What chassis and drivetrain does your MH have?