eHoefler wrote:
This is the route we take to disney, we stop at the hollywood casino for a free stop over,+MO/Orlando,+FL/@32.0470971,-89.6537087,6.25z/data=!4m19!4m18!1m10!1m1!1s0x87cf62f745c8983f:0x6bfd6cb31e690da0!2m2!1d-93.2922989!2d37.2089572!3m4!1m2!1d-85.3934033!2d31.2237592!3s0x88929300561f4bf1:0x99ef92d58fc65d76!1m5!1m1!1s0x88e773d8fecdbc77:0xac3b2063ca5bf9e!2m2!1d-81.3792365!2d28.5383355!3e0
Not a bad way, in this old driver's opinion. But it does not avoid the area the OP thinks is to tough to handle. But US 63, while winding and steep in places is 1 of the best ways thru the Ozarks. Much of 65 has been improved, but the less steep but longer pulls work the horse pretty hard too.