One day I came in, they pasted a water based rectangular decal to my windshield. The very next year, it was credit card, hologram, and a Banjercito payment. Forget to check out leaving Mexico and the next trip was. "Oh so sorry, you are banned. Next!"
Computerization is underway. A federal database. A federal database that can be read at a roadside RETEN or Puesto de Control via a wireless internet connection. You know about the SSP retenes don't you? They pull you over and run your VIN and go through SHCP documents and Migracion documents with a fine tooth comb. They verify the VIN number on your motor vehicle. Then you leave. Preferably not on foot or on the floor of a van.
Missing entry or exit documents and stamps is going to cause a problem. Sure as hell Mexico is going to institute the vehicle bonding program for Baja California. Historically, Maneadero has been an official checkpoint. What you assume today may go all to hell tomorrow. In July, Hacienda imposed a FIFTY PERCENT TAX on all motor vehicles entering Baja California for eligibility to get FRONTERA plates. The next step is to declare a staged program for all FRONTERA cars to undergo nacionalizacion. Every last motor vehicle licensed in Mexico. Say adios to cars with Frontera license plates.
When Mexico changes regulations it is abrupt and brutal. Look at the seized foreign yachts all over Mexico THIS YEAR and the uproar it caused. I am a ciudadano a Mexican citizen. We had brutal changes made to tax protocols. They were announced out of the blue and instantly enforced.
It may be wise for some of you to slip the tourist blinders back on, close your ears and eyes to the reality of things, and follow the law. Migracion has been going house-to-house in Sn Miguel de Allende, Chapala, Cd. Carmen and Pta Banda knocking on doors and demanding documents. Yes they have the police with them.