Forum Discussion

explorenorth's avatar
Dec 15, 2014

Fuel price gouging on the Alaska Highway

With fuel prices plummeting in many places, this is an FYI that it isn't falling everywhere. I just drove from Whitehorse to Vancouver and got gouged in a few places, some expected, one very surprising. It was 1.179/liter for regular when I left Whitehorse on Thursday. We had boxes on top of the RAV4, and had to stop for fuel far more often than I'm used to.
- Teslin was 1.269
- Watson Lake was 1.179 - I just put a few dollars in there as Contact Creek is always cheaper and I like to spend my money there to keep them open in any case.
- Contact Creek was 1.299!! VERY disappointing, and all the signs saying "Lower than Watson Lake" are still up. After 20 years of spending a lot of money there, he just lost my loyalty.
- Liard Hot Springs is always expensive, and was, at 1.699
- Muncho Lake (Northern Rockies Lodge) was 1.979 - I just stopped to check, didn't need any.
- Fort Nelson was 1.329
- Wonowon was 1.389
- Chetwynd was 1.299

At Prince George, we finally got to prices that were acceptable given the current situation ($1.029), and they stayed close to that all the way to Vancouver.
  • I know. You'd think that with all the oil being pumped out of Alberta, that oil by-products would be a lot cheaper. Last time we made the trip to Alaska, we spent over $5000 just for fuel, and most of it was in Canada.

  • You don't suppose you were still buying gas they purchased at the higher price????
  • The trick in remote areas is to fill up often. Then any one spot charging excessively doesn't nail you too hard.
  • A lot of those places are the only show in town - it's a small town - the next town is a long way away - and the traffic volume is low. Not so sure that is gouging - just someone working hard to make a year-round living.
