One of those towns on I40 and I think it is Memphis and I was going West Bound and had to make a loop around off I40 to get on a South loop. After I got it all straight again and merrily on my way around the bypass I noticed a whole bunch of black skid marks on the payment... Then I look up and see I am two lanes over to make a right hand blend to continue on around the town... The skid marks are from big trucks locking it down to let the folks make the right hand blend I guess...
Maybe that was Nashville... Sort of scary without any warning haha...
The I40 East big road coming from Little Rock is another big scary place just before you get to Memphis... All kinds of activity on and off of I40... Big Trucks everywhere haha...
They need to build a real bypass around Memphis for sure... I guess feeding the one bridge over the Ole Miss is the problem...
Roy Ken