Forum Discussion

petervicich's avatar
Feb 13, 2014

GPS Maps for Mexico

Hi there,

does anyone know how to upload maps from mexico on the GPS? I got a Garmin Nuvi 52 and it has maps for US, Canada, Barbados, Puerto Rico and some other countries on the Caribean, but doesnt have Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica. I am travelling to those places on my Truck Camper and would be great to have the GPS working there.

Would be great if anyone know how to download them or where tu buy them and aprox how much those cost?


  • I will echo the advice of keelhauler1 above - no GPS promises to take you on the correct route. The route the GPS chooses is often not the best route. We constantly design our own routes by putting in stops along the way. You absolutely need to check the entire route in detail before you move one inch. Sounds like what's the point? Why have a GPS if it does not go where we want? Because once you plan the route you just follow the GPS as you go down the road and you will know where to turn and where you are. We swear by Microsoft Streets & Trips for planning our routes and then use our Garmin using the same planned route as we go down the road. Great tools are only as good as the person using the tool. A skilled craftsman tells his tools what to do.
  • One caution, both Tom-Tom and Garmin have good accurate maps. However do not follow their routing. They pick dirt roads, non-existent roads, one-way streets. Know where you are going first. But they are great for finding where to turn and where you are.
  • Hi guys,

    just to let you know that I got the SD card with the maps for mexico and just tested it and works fine, it was 30 bucks aprox.

    Will let you know in 3 months how it worked out through the whole journey.


  • Thank you guys for the info. i just purchased on for mexico on ebay for about 30 bucks, hope it works!
  • We have a relatively new Garmin 2757LM ($220) that comes standard with all of North America but I do not know if any Garmin has Central and/or South America. The new Garmins do much more than the older ones and in our opinion are worth the investment. As stated above no GPS is perfect so having one you can plan and route and see the entire route before setting out is important. Older models are not as accurate. Best to get on the Garmin website to find answers to your questions. I personally do not know of a GPS for South America but they may exist. We also use Microsoft Streets & Trips in our computer to plan routes and can also be used as a GPS if you have room for it. But even S&T does not have South America - but Microsoft does have another mapping software product for Europe. There may be other software we do not know about. One place to look and ask is . . . . . . where tons of info can be found and there are forums there where you can ask the experts. We find modern GPS to be much better and more accurate than any paper map we are aware of. There is another current thread going here about S&T that may be useful.

    I personally know nothing about any of these.

    Try this Garmin web page...........

    Other possibilities.....
  • Go to

    You can see if a Mexico Map is available for your model. You will probably have to download it to a sim or microsim card.

    We have them for our Nuvi 1450T and for the RV760LMT. They were $99.00 I think.

    They work well BUT there are some glaring errors so be careful on depending solely on the GPS.