Just went to the RV show in Atlanta. We are so stoked about the trip. Can't wait. Met 2 couples that have made the trip to AK. Picked up good tips about boondocking, frost heaves, etc.
We do have a couple of questions...
Do the motorhomes have power levelers?
How much of the trip has limited or no cell service. Currently, we are with AT&T. I will have to work some and need to be availalbe to clients. Am wondering if I should just rent a sattelite phone for the month? Has anyone done this and what was your access?
Are the chemicals furnished for the motor homes or do we just pick up at Wal-Mart? It seems so much is furnished, just didn't know?
We just received a letter that there is only going to be 2 orientations this year to try and expedite the departure time of the motor homes. Yeah!
My sister-in-law did a dry run on her packing this past Saturday. She successfully kept her bag under 50 pounds (41).
We found that Gander Mountain opened a new store over in Auburn AL. Have made a couple of trips to get rain gear, new coats, etc. Everything is on sale, so make some great purchases for the trip.
In the last couple of weeks, have read every journal that I could find to gain information. Can anyone share the pros and cons of the different journal sites?