Forum Discussion

bighatnohorse's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 16, 2018

Healthcare in Mexico - where is the cedula?

I read through this article; Healthcare in Mexico for Expats and was wondering,

Do you always look for the cedula in a small medical office?
Does one assume that all the staff in a larger hospital is certified?
  • That is so true. We have run into many doctors both in the US practicing, and in Mexico going to school, who have done their medical school in Mexico or other countries. Last we knew, you could do your residency in the US and be certified there.
  • My United Healthcare Medicare Supplement Plan F does up to $50,000 anywhere out of the USA. Many USA Doctors are trained in Guadalajara, Mexico's Medical Schools.

    rocmoc n AZ
  • Medicare does not cover anything done in Mexico.

    However, considering the cost and quality of the care here, so what? We aren't eligible yet anyway!
  • Do know one thing, my Federal Employees BC/BS does not cover me in Mexico unless pre arranged with them
  • The cedula has to be displayed in the doctors office where you can easily read the number together with his/her diplomas, the doctors office also has to have at least 3 different permits, one is the permit for the clinic or office, one for the federal income and one for the states income all displayed either in the doctors office or the receptionists office, if you get an expat that is practicing in Mexico and they do not have these documents, beware they are illegal or scammers and they do not have to be Canadian or from the USA, they come in all shades and flavors.

    Other things you need to be aware are the famous "temascal" or sweat lodges, they are heat and steam baths they are regulated by the state and have specific construction requirements, if you go to one and it is covered with plastic or a tarp, that is illegal, too many persons have either died or suffered severe poisoning from the chemicals released by the tarps being used as cover in the construction of the temporary temascal, they need to be all brick and mortar or better made with adobe bricks with the heating fire on the out side and sufficient air circulation so as not to be poisoned by the smoke or carbon monoxide, they have to be permanent and not a make shift tent.

    In large hospitals all the personnel that attend to patients have to be certified, a good friend of ours is a registered nurse and the daughter of another friend just got her cedula de certificacion to practice, my brother in law is an architect and also has cedula and all the other goodies that go with the office, me I am retired and:

    Viviendo la vida loca!
