Bionic Man wrote:
2112 wrote:
Bionic Man wrote:
Sounds like a good trip as long as the off roading isn't one of your main draws. There are very few 4x4 trails that you are going to be able to do that time of year. Way too much snow for that.
And it will be mud season in most of the resort type towns. After the ski season has closed, but before most of the summer activities have begun.
Not telling you to not make the trip, but your activities are going to be limited.
Good Point. Off roading is one of the draws. We play in the mud down here in the flat land but I don't know if I want to do that on a climb.
When I say "mud season", that is just what the towns call the times between their main seasons. If you are trying to off road that time of year it won't be mud, it will be deep, wet, snow.
We used to do a lot of ATVing. Late May is about the earliest you can really get out and do any trails. And even then, you will run into large snow drifts.
X2. Here in northern Colorado, most of the OHV trails are not going to be usable until after Memorial Day, and some don't open until July. Mud Season is what the locals in the resorts call the shoulder season between ski and summer seasons. But it's also true for OHV trails. Even trails that are open will have mud spots, and some of them will be epic. It is strongly discouraged to try to go around them, and if one gets stuck, you'll need to rely on other OHV users to help you get out, as tows are not going to be generally available.
Speaking from a perspective and experience in the Poudre Canyon and Red Feather Lakes area, June/July/August/September are going to be far better months for OHV fun. While your plans are for southern and central Colorado, the same points still hold true. Some of the best 4-wheeling in the state is down in the Lake City/Silverton/Ouray/Telluride area, and the above points are generally applicable there as well.