Forum Discussion

sancoots's avatar
Sep 30, 2013

Highway 9 tunnel east of Zion

Hi all,

We will be doing a trip to Utah next June and have read there are restrictions for the tunnel east of Zion on highway 9 . Will I have any issues with a F 250 crew cab pulling a 30 foot travel trailer? I believe our overall length is just over 50 feet. Anyone have any experience with this? The next stop after Zion will be Bryce.

  • naturist wrote:
    The answer to the OP's question is "maybe, maybe not." The tunnel restriction is not due to length, it is due to height.

    Not exactly accurate. Length is also a factor. I have to disconnect my toad from my 40' motorhome because of max length restrictions.
  • The only problem with length is going up the switchbacks from Zion - see picture. As long as you take your time and don't try to go around a corner at the same time you are meeting another big rig, you will have no problem.

  • Thank you for your quick replies. I am under the height requirement so was just wondering about the length. I have never measured the lengthy total, but know that the trailer is just under 30 feet and I think the truck is around 20 feet. Give a few inches for the hitch and I may be a little over. Just wanted to know if they measured the length or do they let most trailers go through as I may only be a foot or so over if that. This is why I was asking for your experiences. Thanks again.
  • We went through last fall (year ago) with Ford F 250 crew cab with travel trailer 27 feet, and had no prob. They will hold up the other side and you go through the middle of the tunnel because it's higher there. If you are lower, then they don't have to stop oncoming traffic and you can go through two way. But most likely sounds like you will go through one way (they stop the other side). They are used to this and have it down to a fine science.

    I high recommend it and get ready when you exit because the views will be beyond spectacular. This alone is worth the effort of making this trip.
  • No, it clearly states combinations longer than 50' are not allowed.
  • The answer to the OP's question is "maybe, maybe not." The tunnel restriction is not due to length, it is due to height.
  • No. We went through with a truck and 30' TT. Have to pay a fee and you are escorted through tunnel with one way traffic.