Forum Discussion

jaycmpng's avatar
Apr 04, 2017

Hilton Head to Myrtle Beach

Currently staying just outside of Hilton Head (lake Jasper), heading to Myrtle Beach in couple days. Just curious of choice of going up Rt 17 thru Charleston, or up Rt 95 then over. Appreciate any comments.
  • Thanks for all the advice. We took the suggested Rt 17, was a nice ride except the bridges in Charleston, made the trip last Thursday and it was a TAD breezy after the storms.
    Thanks again!
  • kohldad wrote:
    Easy, take 17 to Charleston, then the right lane to I526, then follow signs for Georgetown which will put you back on 17. About 7 lights coming into town and about 8 more going out of town.

    Shortly after you cross the bridge in Georgetown, you will make a right hand turn. As you make the turn, move to the left lane so you don't have to worry about the trees close to the edge of the road. Once you hit the open after about 8 blocks, you can then move to the right lane.

    17 is only a tad bit slower if I95 is free flowing. One traffic jam on I95 makes 17 faster.

    This is the route that I'd recommend as well, although 95 north to pick up 17 MIGHT be a little faster, then Kohldad's route to and around Charleston.
  • Chrisatthebeach wrote:
    For the past couple of weeks I95 north is a parking lot. Snowbirds heading home from FL to do taxes.

    I never understood this. My next door neighbor would stay in New England through the worse winter weather and then go to Vegas after the taxes were done. Hello. It's the 21st century. You can file from anywhere.
  • For the past couple of weeks I95 north is a parking lot. Snowbirds heading home from FL to do taxes. I have to go to Charleston 2-3 days per week, I stay on 17 to Point South, exit 33 and avoid 95. If you leave Lake Jasper, just go on across I95 to the dead end, that is US17, turn right to go north and stay on it through Ridgeland, it will try to dump you back on to I95 just north of town, when it bears right go left and stay on old US17, you will cross I95 at Point South.
    US 17 is 4 lanes all the way from Point South to Charleston, speed limit is 60, traffic moves at 70. Do not exceed 70, Yemassee and Colleton County speed trap the entire stretch of highway until you leave Jacksonboro and are then in Charleston County.
  • Easy, take 17 to Charleston, then the right lane to I526, then follow signs for Georgetown which will put you back on 17. About 7 lights coming into town and about 8 more going out of town.

    Shortly after you cross the bridge in Georgetown, you will make a right hand turn. As you make the turn, move to the left lane so you don't have to worry about the trees close to the edge of the road. Once you hit the open after about 8 blocks, you can then move to the right lane.

    17 is only a tad bit slower if I95 is free flowing. One traffic jam on I95 makes 17 faster.
  • Horsedoc wrote:
    17 is slower, but so much more fun to drive. Definitely 17
    x2 at least something to see i hate the super slab boring
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I95 is a longer way around for sure haha... Have no idea why I95 bypassed Charleston as big as it is... It also bypasses Myrtle beach...

    17 is not connected to Hilton head either as it joins into I95 just north of Hilton Head...

    If it were me I would probably make a dry run in my truck first and check the 17 route out. Its not that far away...

    Even getting to Myrtle Beach from I95 only has a couple of good less congested routes for big rigs... Going through Conway is the way to go..

    I have made a few runs in my truck from Lakewood at Myrtle Beach down that way but always used 17. Also wasn't pulling anything haha... Got family members at both places.

    Roy Ken
  • RT 17, if you don't want to go thru Charleston there is a bypass around it.
    There is a 17alt, I think it's 41 and 521.
  • We did opposite direction last year. Took I-95. Rt 17 looks like the slow lazy river way to go. We took 17 from Wilmington down to Myrtle and it was lots of lights etc.

    If you go 17, you can go around Charleston.