Hi Joe, Hahaha - yes it's tough mixing fishing techniques among friends! I commercial fished for 2 years on a siener and was "boat slave" for 10 years because I was in a relationship with the owner/skipper. I think I miss the boat more than him....(j/k). But our best friend is a fly fisherman. I take my fish any way I can get them now - hook, dipnet, fishwheel or seine.
I had just started wondering if the Mat-Su has the same program! Next year I might apply to go out there. My best friend lives in Wasilla.
You are right, I could see myself doing the trip again, if I had a smaller rig and more experience, then I might be able to do it every few years. I really enjoy it with someone along who appreciates the ride.
I think that if I bought land on the Kenai, I'd just park a fifth wheel. Then I wouldn't have to worry about the engine rusting up from just sitting there. But then, my real dream is to live in a Connex! I love the small house trend, but I guess that's why I'm comfy living in an RV. If I didn't need space for my quilting I'd be quite happy in just an RV :)