The bigger Endless Breeze may indeed be too much in a small rig. But when things get really warm and humid the only thing that helps us is to have a solid stiff breeze pass over us. There has to be similar summer days in Mississippi and Florida. At 87F today we had a cloudburst. It's only 83 at 7:30 but the humidity is in the seventies.
Nectarines, Oranges, Apples, grapes, sandia (watermelon), and tunas (prickly pear cactus fruit) cut up and smothered in sour cream for dinner. Yummy! A person has not lived until they have gone through summer in Mexico. In urban areas iced-tea and even iced coffee is not uncommon.
Most common comment I heard when I had the hotel. "We have been coming for -x- years in the winter. God I never realized just how beautiful coastal Mexico is in the summer!"