Forum Discussion

Crdodd's avatar
Nov 27, 2013

Houston to Billings, MT... What route?


We are making a move from Houston to Billings, MT, and I am looking for the best route. I am pulling my fiver at about 11,000 lbs. i will unload whatever is unnecessary, and put that into the moving van to make it as light as possible. We are not driving the moving truck. Mainly, I am interested in the route from Houston to Denver. From there up, it does not appear that there are options.

So if you can tell me about the route from Houston thru College Station, Abilene, Sweetwater, Lubbock, Amarillo, Pueblo, and up to Denver. Hwy 287 & 87. My concern here is the section from Pueblo to Denver. Looks like some big hills that I can avoid on the other routes, but it looks like a less busy route.

The other option is Waco, Fort Worth, Wichita Falls, Amarillo, and then up thru Pueblo to Denver. I-35 & I-20

Finally, just straight up thru Dallas, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Salina, and then due West to Denver. I-35 to I-40.

Any information on the route from Denver up to Billings is great, too. There just appears to be only one logical route for that part.

Did I mention we were making this trip in late January? All help appreciated.

Moved to Roads and Routes forum from Towing.

  • Ditto with Artguy. Since you are from Houston, you know to plan your time thru Ft Worth & Denver. I have traveled thru Billings a number of times using different routes, so I agree with Artguy. Have a good trip.
  • Ditto what artguy wrote. I drove that road many times. If traffic bothers you, plan the cities for off times---but I'm sure you already know that.
    Billings????? It's gonna be a wee bit colder then Houston.
  • Watch the weather. Winter weather is a much bigger concern than normal traffic. Any route can become impassible during even a minor storm. I-25 is as good as any when clear. But we have taken US 75 to Kansas City then taken I-70 West to Denver. We have continued north from KC on I-29 to either I-80 or I-90 then went west. Not huge mileage differences, weather is the key.
  • US 287 and up=no grades...the route by RamTx=Raton Pass and longer miles. Truckers use the route I suggested for a reason.
  • I definitely would get on I25 to I90 to Billings. Never had any problems going thru Colorado Springs and Denver during off peak.
  • I 45 to exit 246/247 US Limon Co./I I 25 to I 90 and Billings!