Well I did it! Over 11000km, 11 states and 2 provinces in 22 days! I can honestly say it was the absolute best trip I've ever been on, and couldn't wait to get back in the trailer for another trip once we finally parked it! It was certainly long, several days of 800+km drives, but we enjoyed every minute of it. The weather was amazing the entire time (minus some flash flooding in Oklahama), the sites were amazing (Yellowstone was way, way too busy though!) and our Jeep and trailer did an amazing job! Obviously there were places we could have spent more time, but I like leaving a place wishing I could have done more. I'm young and plan on spending many, many more weeks on the road so we will be back to the places we felt we could have spent longer at (The Mount Rushmore area certainly fits that description). The highlight of the trip was Texas (Hill country, Austin and San Antonio), but since Texas is our favourite place in the world it isn't really a fair fight! The Grand Canyon is certainly a place everyone should see, and next time I'll be taking petrel's advice and doing a helicopter tour!
A lot of people who posted here didn't think this trip could be done, or that it wouldn't be all that enjoyable. While I don't think this kind of travelling is for everyone, I have to admit it feels pretty good to prove some naysayers wrong!