folivier wrote:
There is an incentive for having the west end of the project open by the end of July 2021. This would allow us access to Montrose. Other than that not sure if there are any other incentives.
It will be an inconvenience to us as residents but the hwy is supposed to be open each weekend with both lanes of traffic. We are retired and can schedule our trips to town for the weekends but the business owners, doctors and nurses who work both in Montrose and Gunnison, and ranchers will be greatly affected by this. But CDOT and the state officials are all aware of this.
Best to avoid this area except for the weekends.
Just think about the Cost to the State if Just in the Lost Time if this were to take three Years - IMHO if they have incentivised it for one direction then they just need to also Add the incentive for the Other Direction.
May sound difficult but the reality is if enough $$$$$ is set out there for the Contractor most of us will figure out how to get our hands on it.
I now live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland - last year they choked down the traffic over the Bay Bridge causing us to not be able to get to Doctors or Retail shopping on the other side of the Bridge - The Contractor Proposed that if he could get an extra hour or two, to get the trucks to the Site (Keeping the Bridge Choked to One Lane, this action caused a 2-3 hour backup to get to the Bridge) he could save over a year in the time frame - Saving the Contractor and the State untold $$$$$.
The State allowed them the ability to have the needed access cutting the construction time in more than half - while the time we endured the lane choking was a PITA - having the work earned both the Contractor and the State Highway Department High Marks with the Population that uses the Bridge. Amazing what can happen if you just say "I think I Can" (Little engine that could)
While we love the Southwest corner of Colorado - we will likely have time to revisit the Northeast part of the State with these restrictions - as a side note - RT 133 is just an Incredible Drive - drove it again this summer and it was just Amazing - so much to see and do in Colorado, just hate to see the road Closed for even a Minute, as it too is Just a Beautiful Drive.
Hoping this is not nearly the Headache it sounds like,