Forum Discussion

rag-ftw's avatar
May 08, 2014

Hyway 40 between Hinton and Grand Prairie

Anyone taken an RV along this stretch? Looks like it would save 150 miles or so from taking the 16/97 loop through Prince George.
  • We towed our trailer from Grand Prairie to Hinton on 40 last August. And we spent a night at the city campground in Grande Cache. We had no problems other than some minor delays for construction just a few miles northwest of Grande Cache (near the coal mine and power plant). Some great scenery around Grande Cache, especially if you are a geologist!
  • I asked the same question early in 2010 before our trip. Someone suggested to google earth view it. So I did. Shows the road very well. Nice road, had no problems and no worries.
  • morley wrote:
    ... Grande Prairie very nice city.

    Now there's a comment you don't see very often! It's pretty much just one big mall - even a nephew who lives there hates it (he's there for the $$$).
  • I drive it about once a year. It's a lovely route, but Highway 40 really needs many more passing lanes, and many more scenic pullouts. There's a lot of commercial traffic, and there are some excellent parks along it. My summer trips have always been quick passes through, but I had a good look at the southern half of it 2 months ago, which you can see on my blog.
  • Went this way in 2010, at that time was a little rough for the first few miles from south end, rest of the way great one big hill into and out of Grande Cache but no problem. North part to Grande a Prairie is nice and Grande Prairie very nice city.
  • Last used it in Sept 2011. Nice Drive, very rolling but nothing serious. Road gets better (newer) as you go north. South end was undergoing improvements to shoulders & paving. Still appeara to be a couple of bridges being improved.