Forum Discussion

jjcook's avatar
Mar 25, 2014

I -95 by Richmond

On my trip plan they show road work south of Richmond on 95s . How bad is it and will it affect travel on Sundays. Thanks
  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    ford truck guy wrote:
    how far south of Richmond is the construction?? I NEVER take 95 threw Richmond... 295 is a much easier ride..
    X-2, wider, higher speed limit, far less traffic, and almost never any accidents.
    It's no real problem getting to 85 from 295, just get off at exit 1, onto 95 north, go 5 mi and exit onto 85 south, still a far better trip than going through town.
  • Bumpyroad wrote:
    ford truck guy wrote:
    how far south of Richmond is the construction?? I NEVER take 95 threw Richmond... 295 is a much easier ride..

    I wouldn't go on 295 unless you are staying on 95 south of Richmond. if going on 85, go thru on 95 stay in middle lane, and no issues.I used to go around 295 since the limits were insane on 95, now they are more reasonable, 65 and drops to 55 in down town.
    as I recall the lit information sign on the NOrth side of town, most of the closure etc. would be at night.

    Yes.. I do agree.. when I travel from our PA office to the Richmond office to the Charlotte office ,I stay on 95 to 85.... When doing Florida and its the daytime , its 295...
  • ford truck guy wrote:
    how far south of Richmond is the construction?? I NEVER take 95 threw Richmond... 295 is a much easier ride..

    I wouldn't go on 295 unless you are staying on 95 south of Richmond. if going on 85, go thru on 95 stay in middle lane, and no issues.I used to go around 295 since the limits were insane on 95, now they are more reasonable, 65 and drops to 55 in down town.
    as I recall the lit information sign on the NOrth side of town, most of the closure etc. would be at night.
  • how far south of Richmond is the construction?? I NEVER take 95 threw Richmond... 295 is a much easier ride..
  • You can pretty much always count on 95 being a bad drive unless you're doing it at 2:00 am. Just allow for delays, because more than likely that's what you'll get. The last time I was down that way road construction from Alexandria to NE Georgia probably added two hours to my time on a weekend.
  • They are doing bridge work there, I believe they are working 7 days a week. They had the shoulder closed but had 2 outside lanes open. On Sunday you will not have the daily traffic to deal with which is a big plus. If you time it right you will have delays but it should be ok. If you have a choice try to hit it in the am. Good Luck

    Chuck in Va