Hope you made it fine. We left KY for Nashville this morning at 5:30 am with rain and temp of 31 and it was OK by dropping straight down about 10 miles into TN and going due east on 79 to Clarksville then on by I-24.
While we were at the doctor's appointment the son and I studied the weather waiting for the doctor to finish her exam and we decided due to KY having more ice by then to come back the same way. We left Nashville about 11 am in 35F rain. When we got back on 79 (Clarksville) it was down to 31 with rain, sleet and snow so it was less than ideal to Dover but the roads were covered and we saw some wrecks as we drove about 30 MPH the last 50 miles but got home OK.
They called yesterday afternoon and cancelled the appointment we had for next week and being there 8:30 am was the only option they had the rest of this year so we said yes.
When we got home we got two other vehicles ice free should we need to go but plan on staying home. We did fire up the furnace in the MH and let it cycle about six times to make sure it was OK after not being used for 2 years. It checked out OK. First we lit all three burners of the RV range and that was a chore but they slowly went to full flames. We got new plugs in the RV generator too this week as well as the back up generator for the house. At this point the ice storm will have to wait until next time (could be Sunday per some). It is to be clear but quite cold however. Getting the garage cleaned out so we could get the ATV's inside so we can work on them this winter, the MH generator and furnace working well took up much of the week but that is what early ice alerts are good to make happen in a positive way. :)