Going from west to east. Any problems just staying on I-70 straight thru? Road construction? Always lots of traffic? We plan on going thru about 10AM on thursday.
I ran the toll road from the start west bound to where it turns to 70 west and was charged $7.50 for 5 axles forget how many miles it was. Don't go east to Pa you do not want to see the toll rates there!!!!!
I70 is a toll road between Topeka and Bonner Springs. The cost is not outrageous and the road is in good shape. There is a little construction around Bonner Springs and I435 but neither will slow you down. I don't know about construction east of those two spots.
The only way to go through KC is I70 to I670 and back to I70 ....trust me on this on e I have had to go through there 100's of times ! After 9am and before 4 pm is EASY.
Not always a lot of traffic. My travel schedules usually work out so that I am going westbound or southbound through KC on a Saturday or Sunday morning, traffic is reasonable then. I don't know about weekdays.
When going through, rather than around, be prepared for lowered speed limits, narrower lanes, and lane changes to be in the correct lane for an interchange. I-70, I-35, US-71, US-169 kind of get woven together downtown and then separate again.
I am usually going through on I-35, or at least departing on I-35 westbound, because I-70 is toll road to Topeka and I'm usually headed for Wichita, so on I-35 I don't hit the turnpike until Emporia.
KC traffic at 10 in the morning isn't too bad. 435 would be a long way around. Just watch the signs and speed limit is lower through town. Down town KC isn't that big compared to ST. Louis. 670 is a faster cut through but just a little bit trickier but not too bad.
p.s. nice RV park on east side of town, Blue Springs
Just did the east to west trip about a week ago and saw no problems heading east but we got on right near the Casino Queens rv park so do not know before there.
As in any other city, pay close attention to the signs. You just think you are done with lane changes and......oops, gotta change lanes again. An easier option is 435 south; a little longer, but easier to navigate!