Salty Dog wrote:
Heading south from central New York State in a few weeks. Wondering about the road conditions on I81 and I99 - trying to decide which route will be the most comfortable/smooth. The distance and drive time is similar. Any comments and advice is appreciated, Mike
How far south? If you mean south...south. Take I-81.
I-99, also known as Hwy 220 is not a true interstate. It is a Highway! You will pass thru many towns (slower speeds) that will not happen on I-81.
Get belown the PA T/P you will lose the 99 monikor, and just have 220. I do believe it is still 4 lane, but only as far as I-68. After that, South of Cumberland,MD it will become a 2 lane wiggly road. Can you take a trailer that adventerous are you???
ohhhhh, and I-99/220 tends to be a lot of concrete....that "seam" tends to be spaced just right, no matter what I am driving, to raise the front, while the back is coming down. I swear I ALWAYS bounce down that road.