Forum Discussion

pattydoug's avatar
Mar 15, 2015

I90 Versus I80 headed to Maine in April

We are headed to Maine in April and want to avoid HUGE cities and steep Mountain passes (everything being relative i.e.: east versus west ;) ). Pulling 3 axle 36' tt with gas F250. When looking at I80 thru PA versus I90 thru NY, which route would be better. We realize the tolls on 90 would be high, but we are thinking that 80 will be much hillier, thus burn more gas. Thoughts, suggestions?
  • Thanks everyone for the info< especially mdamerell and Crowe: your info was exactly what we need to make a good decision. We will probably do I90 since it sounds like it would be the most "relaxing" of the two. :) Those long grades sometimes hit the pocket book more than the tolls! ;)
  • Dunno if your post is only about routing or not, but be advised that many ME CGs do not open until Memorial Day.
  • I-90 or NY Thruway tends to follow the sections on the Erie Canal and tends to be a more even elevation. I-80 reaches a peak elevation of 2,250 feet at Snow Shoe Pa which is much lower than Eisenhower Tunnel (I-70) in CO at 11,000 feet so it's all a matter of perspective. If you cross I-80 to save the toll you will probably want to head up I-81 to I-84 to I-90 west of Boston to avoid NYC.
  • Have never traveled I90, but have done I80 across Pa many times in both directions.There are no significant grades to worry about
  • My son and I just made the trip in January , i guess i didn't notice any bad hills on I80 , i enjoyed all the truck company , plenty of truck stops and a good roadway . And I don't like tolls. Doing the trip again next week.
  • Were going to maine in May from Buffalo, and I plan to drive on 90.! I just wish that we were leaving this week!!!
  • steep Mountain passes (everything being relative i.e.: east versus west

    I am not familiar with I80 and it's been a while since I've been past NY on I90, but one thing I just want to warn you about. We don't have what many would consider steep grades; however, we have a lot of sneaky very long grades. Personally I wouldn't worry about the cost of tolls vs. the cost of fuel-take the route you are most comfortable with.