Forum Discussion

2travlrs's avatar
Apr 02, 2018

If you're going to Alaska, just PLAN and go!

Asking for forum advice is going to get information that may be years old. Do a GOOGLE search and get the up to date info on border crossing requirements. Believe it or not, there are grocery stores in Canada. You don't need to carry a months worth of food across the border. Fuel prices vary as they do in the U.S. and can change on a daily basis. Just deal with it. We lived in Alaska for 30 years and traveled the "Highway" many times. Yes, Canada is a foreign country, but the people are just like us. Make your journey through their country a real part of your vacation. There's lots to see along the way.
  • Crowe, aren’t you being a little overly sensitive?


    Crowe is just thinking about others and offering advice.

    No problem with that.

    Exactly. Thanks Lakeeside. And, no, it's not because I am jealous. I cancelled my trip to Alaska this year only because we are having a custom home built while still owning our existing home and it's just not economically feasible this year. First world problem but that's my point. We'll just go next year (all things being equal). Not everyone has that ability. I'm merely pointing out that "just deal with it" isn't always applicable.
  • campigloo wrote:
    Crowe, aren’t you being a little overly sensitive?

    Crowe is just thinking about others and offering advice.

    No problem with that.

  • Don't worry about fuel prices, just go.

    Easier said than done. Not everyone has the luxury of just eating the extra cost. I'm fortunate that if I want to go, I'll go but you should show some respect for those who just can't do it. If there's a will there's usually a way but not always.
  • Don't worry about fuel prices, just go. It will be the trip of your lifetime. I enjoyed the trip up and back as much as the time in Alaska. Also, don't worry about campground reservations. There are numerous pull outs along the way once you get into Canada. I suggest getting a small generator, a quit one, red or blue. This will give you power at night and for breakfast. Even in Alaska there are pull outs and forest service campground that are cheap. I never had any problem find dump stations or fresh water. Most towns along the route will have that. I suggest you get Church's Book. I found it much more useful than the Mile Post. It told where to dump and get water as well as all the pull outs along the road. Take your time and enjoy the scenery and wildlife you will see along the road. Also watch the yellow line along the right side of the pavement. You can see the frost heaves much cleared. Slow way down when you see them because you will bounce. Enjoy your trip.
  • According to the news yesterday, gas prices in BC are really high just now and expected to continue increasing with the switch over to summer gas and new carbon taxes. Alberta is considerably cheaper - currently. Something to consider when planning your route for sure.
  • If money is tight, or you're just generally a frugal traveler, I would compare fuel pricing in BC and Alberta, and select your route north accordingly. You could spend or save a lot, depending on your choice.
    Yes, we have grocery stores. Same money issue exists for groceries and just about everything else. We can be easy, but we're definitely not cheap. :C