Forum Discussion

Alfred622's avatar
Aug 24, 2013

Interstate Deteriation - is it just me?

I-70 (between Pittsburgh area and Illinois then 39 North to Madison have many areas of deep potholes and wheel bangers. Are others experiencing these too on our interstates?

Sure would be nice.if.the crews could just highlight bad conditions with a 100' stripe of.bright orange paint so we could at least slow or change lanes......
  • I thought we were told/sold about hundreds of "Shovel Ready Projects" that cost us taxpayers billions. I would assume that shovel ready meant have in hand and just need to scoop up the asphalt and fill the pothole.

    Where did the asphalt go?
  • There was a mention on the TV news last night that the overall condition of highways is at the worse point maintenance wise in 40 years. In Los Angeles the potholes have become legendary as far as damage to cars. Since most States, Cities and County Governments are stretched thin on the Financial end...road maintenance is a low priority.

    "The problem is that it is a proven fact that reducing a highways maintenance by just 5% it will go from Excellant Condition to just Fair Condition in just 15 years at a 40% reduction of road quality! The state of Hawaii, with 89.7 percent of its roads in less than good condition, has the worst roads in the nation as of 2001. Missouri, where 87.5 percent of all roads are in poor, mediocre,or fair condition, is a close second. In Michigan, nearly 90
    percent of urban roads are classified as in less than good condition. And in Massachusetts,more than 88 percent of the state’s rural roads were found to be in poor, mediocre, or fair condition."

    I think the Los Angeles area Freeways are the worse on the Planet! So bad in fact that I've see people driving their cars on the Interstate 5 wearing football helmets, kidney belts and tooth guards to keep damage to their body down. :B
  • prichardson wrote:
    The only state that I have found to have consistantly good roads is Texas. Unfortunately govenment in general has a build it and forget it attitude.

    Really..the I-10 & I-40 :H
  • The only state that I have found to have consistantly good roads is Texas. Unfortunately govenment in general has a build it and forget it attitude.
  • Its so wierd that we have more road work than ever yet the roads suck. And is it me or do they seem to pave parts that were ok and skip the parts that needed it?
  • You really need to get out more........

    WE have made 6 complete trips across US (border to border/coast to coast)

    Overall the Interstates are in really bad shape.
    That is just one of the reasons we DON'T travel via Interstates.
    We use secondary/backroads as much as possible and stay off Interstates as much as possible

    Even the Interstates that have been turned into 'toll roads' are junk.