Forum Discussion

Graydust's avatar
Mar 15, 2014

Is extra gas needed

We are planning on leaving the 2nd of June for Alaska. I have a Hemi 5.7, Gas, 9 mpg 34 gal tank. Do I have to worry about running out of gas. I had planned on taking two 5gal safety gas cans but I am not sure if it is needed. Has anybody run into a problem? My rig is in my profile. Thanks
  • You won't need to carry any fuel, but will be stuck fueling up at some very expensive places such as Muncho Lake.
  • Many of the small gas stations are gone. Some because the road has been moved others just died.
    Milepost magazine has good information on where gas is available.
    I always ran toward the upper portion of the fuel tank.
    Have a good trip! Take your time and enjoy it!