pianotuna wrote:
I just checked. Buck is only 10%
1st boost is 10% (110 to 121)
2nd boost is ~20% (100 to 121)
here is the chart for the ISB, both models. The reason for all of this is we have caravan customers wanting these. Some have 50 amp service and are asking about the 8000. Since 50 amp service in mexico is as rare as hens teeth, I personally think its overkill, but i have people wanting to wire them permanent in their rigs. If they are not really compatible with 50 Amp RV wiring then they are really degrading their service. Plus I wonder if they are installing a potential fire hazard. I don't think I would install one without a circuit breaker on the input. IMO it is better to just butcher a 30 amp extension, stick the 4000 in a milk crate and use it when you need to. I just push mine under the rig to keep it dry.