Forum Discussion

MikeInSeattle's avatar
May 31, 2018

Jasper to Seattle

Finishing up a 3 week trip through Glacier, Banff, and Jasper. We have 4 nights to get back home to Seattle (July 10-14). Last year we went through Penticton, up to Clearwater, through Jasper and Banff and then across Canada. We have a 9 and 12 year old, like to mountain bike, some hiking, and we might have kayaks this year. Pulling a 40' toyhauler. I reviewed some of the earlier threads and here are our 3 options:

Jasper->Loon Bay Resort (just based on drive time)->Whistler RV for 2 nights->Capilano RV-> Home. We have been to Vancouver many times and would do the aquarium. Couldn't book the last night in Whistler otherwise we would do that and skip Vancouver all together. The kids haven't been to Whistler and we haven't gone since the Olympics. Anyone know if I can park at the aquarium with my 40' trailer?
total drive time 12.5 hrs

Jasper->Revelstoke->Penticton/Osooyos area->Winthrop 2 nights->Home Family has never done Hwy20, I have.
total drive time 15.5 hrs

Jasper->Revelstoke then head across at Shelter Bay and down 23 and 6 towards Kettle Falls. Need a stop in here somewhere, go to Winthrop for 2 nights and home. I looked at the 31 route but that adds 2 more hours of driving.
total drive time 17.5 hrs

Wife said she leans towards option 2. If we could do the 3 nights in Whistler I would lean towards that. Curious if option 3 has enough scenery to justify the added drive time since we don't have the time to slow down and camp at some of the places listed.
  • Great Kayaking on Summit Lake 14km south of Nakusp on Hwy 6 towards New Denver. There is a Provincial campground on the lake, but it’s an old campground and a 40ft trailer would be a tight squeeze. There is a private campground just before Summit Lake Provincial campground that you could fit in no problem.
    There is a nice village of New Denver campground right on the shores of Slocan Lake again a Great Lake for Kayaking, plus that hike up Idaho Peak BC is right there.
    July is a busy time of the year for getting a site in New Denver but there are other campgrounds in the area.
    There are more campgrounds over the hump in the Kaslo area on the shores of Kootenay Lake, plus this kids might like the tour of the paddle wheeler Moyie.
    4 days isn’t enough time, but a short couple days just may give you ideas for a future trip to the West Kootenays.
    What ever you decide will be great and Enjoy your vacation in Canada.
  • Thanks Soup - I had read your post in the other thread which is why I put it as an option. I agree 4 days isn't enough but that is what we are dealing with this trip. I am hesitant because we don't have a ton of time and that option is 5 hours (or more) of driving.

    We have done the Kettle Valley Trail, not sure if we would do that again or stay further south towards Osooyos.

    I appreciate the input.
  • Is the Kettle Valley Rail Trail of interest? Mountain bikes on high trestle bridges over deep canyons, and a trail that is virtually level.
  • SideHillSoup wrote:
    Head south on 23,
    Halsyon hot springs are 10 minutes after getting off the Ferry. At Nakusp there are more hot springs, both locations have campsites, however summer is busy. From Nakusp travel south to New Denver, there is campgound right on the shores of Slocan Lake. From New Denver pop over the hump to Kaslo. A little ways out of New Denver is a turn off to Sandon, a ghost town, or what’s left of one. There is also a hike to Idaho Peak BC and there is a outfit that has a shuttle bus to the parking lot, which is up a logging road, easy hike even for kids. In Kaslo there is the dry docked ladder wheeler Moyie, which is open to tour ( small cost) Kaslo is on Kootenay Lake and just south of Kaslo is another Hot Springs called Ainsworth Hot Springs. At the Ferry landing at Balfour you can either take the longest free Ferry ride in the world across Kootenay lake on the Creston BC and cross the boarder just a ice Boners Ferry ID, or head south down towards Nelson BC and either take Hwy 6 south to Salmo or follow Hwy 3-A south towards Castlegar then onto Trail BC and cross the boarder at Waneta BC. Check all boarder crossing for hours open as they are all different. Also Google the names of the places I listed, there are a lot of areas to camp, hike and exspore on this route. And 4 days isn’t near enough time to exspolrethis area. Note: we live in Castlegar, and traveling south into Wash State Seattle is a one day drive, pulling s rig will most liklely take longer

    Great suggestion by Soup that would be a great trip, so many things to do in each of the areas suggested.
  • Head south on 23,
    Halsyon hot springs are 10 minutes after getting off the Ferry. At Nakusp there are more hot springs, both locations have campsites, however summer is busy. From Nakusp travel south to New Denver, there is campgound right on the shores of Slocan Lake. From New Denver pop over the hump to Kaslo. A little ways out of New Denver is a turn off to Sandon, a ghost town, or what’s left of one. There is also a hike to Idaho Peak BC and there is a outfit that has a shuttle bus to the parking lot, which is up a logging road, easy hike even for kids. In Kaslo there is the dry docked ladder wheeler Moyie, which is open to tour ( small cost) Kaslo is on Kootenay Lake and just south of Kaslo is another Hot Springs called Ainsworth Hot Springs. At the Ferry landing at Balfour you can either take the longest free Ferry ride in the world across Kootenay lake on the Creston BC and cross the boarder just a ice Boners Ferry ID, or head south down towards Nelson BC and either take Hwy 6 south to Salmo or follow Hwy 3-A south towards Castlegar then onto Trail BC and cross the boarder at Waneta BC. Check all boarder crossing for hours open as they are all different. Also Google the names of the places I listed, there are a lot of areas to camp, hike and exspore on this route. And 4 days isn’t near enough time to exspolrethis area. Note: we live in Castlegar, and traveling south into Wash State Seattle is a one day drive, pulling s rig will most liklely take longer