May 31, 2018Explorer
Jasper to Seattle
Finishing up a 3 week trip through Glacier, Banff, and Jasper. We have 4 nights to get back home to Seattle (July 10-14). Last year we went through Penticton, up to Clearwater, through Jasper and Banff and then across Canada. We have a 9 and 12 year old, like to mountain bike, some hiking, and we might have kayaks this year. Pulling a 40' toyhauler. I reviewed some of the earlier threads and here are our 3 options:
Jasper->Loon Bay Resort (just based on drive time)->Whistler RV for 2 nights->Capilano RV-> Home. We have been to Vancouver many times and would do the aquarium. Couldn't book the last night in Whistler otherwise we would do that and skip Vancouver all together. The kids haven't been to Whistler and we haven't gone since the Olympics. Anyone know if I can park at the aquarium with my 40' trailer?
total drive time 12.5 hrs
Jasper->Revelstoke->Penticton/Osooyos area->Winthrop 2 nights->Home Family has never done Hwy20, I have.
total drive time 15.5 hrs
Jasper->Revelstoke then head across at Shelter Bay and down 23 and 6 towards Kettle Falls. Need a stop in here somewhere, go to Winthrop for 2 nights and home. I looked at the 31 route but that adds 2 more hours of driving.
total drive time 17.5 hrs
Wife said she leans towards option 2. If we could do the 3 nights in Whistler I would lean towards that. Curious if option 3 has enough scenery to justify the added drive time since we don't have the time to slow down and camp at some of the places listed.
Jasper->Loon Bay Resort (just based on drive time)->Whistler RV for 2 nights->Capilano RV-> Home. We have been to Vancouver many times and would do the aquarium. Couldn't book the last night in Whistler otherwise we would do that and skip Vancouver all together. The kids haven't been to Whistler and we haven't gone since the Olympics. Anyone know if I can park at the aquarium with my 40' trailer?
total drive time 12.5 hrs
Jasper->Revelstoke->Penticton/Osooyos area->Winthrop 2 nights->Home Family has never done Hwy20, I have.
total drive time 15.5 hrs
Jasper->Revelstoke then head across at Shelter Bay and down 23 and 6 towards Kettle Falls. Need a stop in here somewhere, go to Winthrop for 2 nights and home. I looked at the 31 route but that adds 2 more hours of driving.
total drive time 17.5 hrs
Wife said she leans towards option 2. If we could do the 3 nights in Whistler I would lean towards that. Curious if option 3 has enough scenery to justify the added drive time since we don't have the time to slow down and camp at some of the places listed.