"Safety glasses? It's that bad? Oh my. [emoticon]
I'll have to check it out next time in the neighborhood. I'll bring some glasses. [emoticon]"
Full disclosure, it's never happened to me, although admittedly, I've worked to avoid the Kenai / Russian areas for about the past 15 years.
My friend was an ER Nurse in :) Slo-dotna and over the course of 4-5 years dealt directly or indirectly (i.e. saw them come in) with several (8-10 IIRC) in-the-face hook impalings. No eye incidents but could of been.....so the last few times I went, always had eye protection...usually sunglasses anyway, but clear if it was a crowded but overcast day.
"That guy" down the bank with a full faceshield might have been a bit over the top though........