I've done it, though quite some time ago, but I don't think there have been a lot of changes. Half the route is in Ontario, so you may get more help on the Canada/Alaska board.
A Canadian threadIn Canada there are two major provincial parks on the lake. They are scenic and rugged, with basic camping.
Most of the north side driving is rocky with rolling topography. More distant views of the lake than anything along the shore line. Much of 17 can feel remote, even though it is the TransCanada Hwy.
At Nipigon there's a new cable stayed bridge that made the news a few years back while it was still under construction.
Ouimet Canyon
https://www.ontarioparks.com/park/ouimetcanyon is a worth while side trip, especially if you are into geological sights.
The Minnesota North Shore is scenic with good views and access to the Lake - and state parks.
There's good access to the Lake around the Apostle Islands. Porcupine Mtns is one the most rugged parts of the US shore, but not very accessible unless you'r into backpacking.
Drive out the Keweenaw Penninsula to Copper Harbor. There's a historic fort and state park out there.
MI 28 east of Marquette is close to the shore, but east of Munsing 28 is stright and relatively flat - and not too scenic unless you just like forest. Tahquamenon Falls State Park is a worthwhile side trip.
US2 along the Lake Michigan shore is more scenic.