Forum Discussion

4wlow's avatar
Sep 01, 2014

Lancaster PA to Outter Banks NC

I plan on taking 95 and I know I need to avoid the tunnels due to the propane restrictions. I was looking for advise on taking Rt. 301 vs 95 from Washington to Richmond.
  • We've done the 301 route several times. Yes, there are a couple areas of shopping centers and traffic lights and the Nice Bridge does get your attention, it's narrow but not terribly long. Coming out of Jersey and heading South it's much nicer than the 95 zoo IMHO.

    That said, 15 is a very nice ride also.
  • We did 301 the other way on our way back from Hatteras this year. Easy ride. The bridge on the Potomac was a little scary.

    Also consider Rt 15 south out of Harrisburg. We took this to Fredricksburg VA from Stroudsburg PA on our way to Hatteras. A bit longer but worth the extra for the views. This way also bypasses Balmer and DC.

    SubVet is correct about the Norfolk tunnels. Before the tunnels, you just pull into a weigh station type area and the nice VA trooper verifies that your propane is turned off.
  • If you are talking about the bay bridge - tunnel, they do not restrict camper propane. You simply have to shut off the propane at the tank(s). I've taken a camper through the bay bridge - tunnel many times to get to the outer banks.