RolandKM wrote:
Looks like I could be crossing in one week depending on when we get out of Dodge here. I've been told to follow the trucks through (we're driving a 35' MH and towing a car). Just trying to make sure we can get all the paperwork done when we get to the border station south of Nogales.
It can be confusing on the Az side. there is an exit that is marked the border off mariposa ave. Do not take it, go straight. At the border use the far right hand lane or you will get stuck. Use the left hand lane before the checkpoint about 5 km south. You can get all your paperwork done at km 21. Make sure you have your passport, driver license and original registrations and copies of each. You get your tourist card first at the trailer at the end of the parking lot. Make a copy of it at the Xerox booth you pass on exit then proceed to banjercito office (green ramp) . Do not discard the paper that the sticker is attached to, you will need it on exit. You will need up to $400 US for the car deposit. You can use Visa. Be careful when towing a car in Mexico. They are not used to them. A friend of mine had hers damaged when someone decided to push himself between the motorhome & tow car, thinking it was some guy following close (heavy traffic at a toll booth)