Forum Discussion

3LittleDucks's avatar
Mar 12, 2014

Las Vegas NV to Carlsbad CA, route options.

Just looking for the best route when towing a trailer. Speaking to a non rv-ing san diego-an, we were advised to skip I-15 all together, and take I-95 down and come across at El Centro. It seems to add quite a bit of distance. Just wondering if there are other good options. Wouldn't mind a quick stop at Joshua Tree if we were going by it..Thanks!
  • Have done that run several times solo,with a 35'TT and an excursion and the 40' Tradewinds and the toad and we always take I-15,as it's just easier, and then the 215 to to 15 and then 76 and into Carlsbad. One of these days I'm gonna try to stay on 15 all the way,but I haven't yet. The reason for taking 76 is that the daughter lives on Santa Fe and we eiither stay at Guajome or Paradise By the Sea.The latter is only in the off season though.There is a new place in Vista though on Olive street,called Olive street resort.
  • Thanks for the inside info! We'd be leaving las vegas on a wed am in april. :)
  • I've towed my TT on I-15 without any issues. I-15 can be very congested if you drive in the wrong direction at the wrong time. That said, depending on your trip, the scenic route can be fun too.

    From Las Vegas to Southern California, these are the times to avoid:

    Northbound- Friday afternoon/evening, especially on a holiday weekend. Everyone is going to Vegas for the weekend.
    Southbound- All Sundays and also Mondays of a holiday weekend. Everyone returning from Vegas with a hangover.

    I have family in Southern California and we usually drive following the above advice. Generally we avoid the notorious traffic, but road construction and accidents happen.

    Towing speed limit is 55 in California.
  • Sorry for the confusion..Las Vegas NV to Carlsbad CA. Was told that I-15 is overly congested with lots of accidents (?). So wanted to get inside info here..
  • Which Las Vegas? Las Vegas NM is almost due north of Carlsbad NM, US285 most of the way. I remember that from a cross country trip in high school. We visited the caverns, and than drove north to Las Vegas to catch I25 to Denver and Rocky Mtn NP. Later in the trip we passed through Las Vegas NV, and on to LA. And since Carlsbad CA is between LA and SD, we must has also passed through there as well.

    Why wouldn't one want to take I15 from Las Vegas, NV to CA76 or 78?
  • stein4 wrote:
    I have driven I-15 to 78 on a few occasions with class c and trailer - no problem.

    Since you mention San Diego I'm assuming your going to Carlsbad CA not Carlsbad NM?

    X2? which one?
  • I have driven I-15 to 78 on a few occasions with class c and trailer - no problem.

    Since you mention San Diego I'm assuming your going to Carlsbad CA not Carlsbad NM?
  • From Las Vegas take Hwy 95 south to Vidal Jct. It is a good highway with an RV. Joshua Tree will then be a little out of your way but if you want to see it, at Vidal Jct. take 62 west to Twentynine Palms and begin your drive south through the park. You'll end up at I-10 and if you want to take interstates, I-10 will take you over to Las Cruces, New Mexico. Then I-25 south to El Paso, TX and 62/180 east to Carlsbad. We like to stay at Brantley Lake State Park for visiting Carlsbad. Have a good trip!