Forum Discussion

TUCQUALA's avatar
Aug 07, 2015

Liquor into CA Question!!

OK, I understand the 40oz per person of booze into Canada. But how do they look at open bottles in the total??!!

Stupid question, but looking for some real world info. Do the "inspectors" measure (!!), weigh, or just check visually?? If I have 4 open bottles with about 10oz in each, am I totally legal??

I realize that you can bring more in, and pay duty on the excess. AND, before anybody says it, these open bottles would be in the trailer, not in the tow vehicle!! So don't go giving out a lecture on driving with open bottles in vehicle.

Thanks in advance!!!
  • Every time we came back we always said 40 oz each and a few leftovers, sometimes they asked what but they never confiscated any.