Belgique wrote:
Tony: great input! I had not seen ioverlander. Very user friendly. I tested it on some CGs I used years ago and it had recent input. Thanks!
Yes, if each of us updated a couple of places and added a new place each time we went down, we wouldn't need to have this conversation. We are heading down in a couple of days and I will be doing what I can to update the info.
BTW I help out a bit with keeping the database in order and as far as I know, even the founders of iOverlander aren't making a cent out of their efforts over many years. They saw a need - mainly in South and Central America - and it has gone from there. When we spent three months in Turkey recently there were 3 places listed in Turkey. Now there are about 60 and growing. Mexico has 956 listings and growing daily
Of course quality of entries is a continuing problem although now with the smartphone apps it is a lot easier to add and update places on the fly, and of course the more people use it, the better the info will be.