Forum Discussion

Brent_and_Gina's avatar
May 20, 2015

Looking for Co-Travelers - 2016 Alaska Trip

Hi all,

Back in 2011, I posted this and here is the link to the 3-page thread: 2013 Proposed Alaska Trip

Hi all,

Not sure where to ask this, but will give it a shot here. Wife and I want to take a trip to Alaska and back in 2013, but are considering inviting a few like-minded folks to travel and share the adventure with. We are not a business of any sort nor are we "it's gotta be our way" type of folks. A caravan company might fit us, but googling reveals that caravans are too fast-paced and structured. We would prefer a looser, more intimate caravan of 2 to 6 rigs...ish.

Is this too odd to ask? Is this the correct place to ask?

Any of you guys want to join us? I've got a tentative route including most of the popular spots spoken about often and am adding more as I go. Here is a list of our thoughts and some insight into who we are in case someone wants to go with us.

1. Socialize over food and conversation both at local hot-spots and at the rigs with pot-lucks or BBQs.
2. We drink a little socially and are not smokers.
3. We enjoy museums, historical sites, and other typical attractions.
4. We don't want to move daily.
5. We like leisurely walks vs. strenuous/hiking.
6. We do like side tours that can give us detailed info such as a unique city tour or short boat excursion/cruises.
7. Although my wife doesn't like "off-path" adventures such as fishing a stream or kayaking, I do. One I've got to do is Salmon fishing.
8. We are prepared to spend up to $10K or so.

I figure that I could get this started now and if there are any takers, we could get to know each other some prior to 2013. Let us know.


We didn't end up going because daughter came to live with me in 2012. She enters college this fall so we are empty nesters. We have a Yellowstone/Tetons, Glacier NP, Oregon, Cali, and Texas Hill Country trip this fall, but want to seriously consider the original Alaska trip again for 2016. There has been some back and forth in the other thread I linked--relevant to this trip--so if you're considering a trip as well, please read it and let us know. We think it'd be fun to share the adventure with a couple/few other folks and we will be willing to visit and camp ahead of time or even meet folks on our trip west this fall. So, if you have potential plans for an Alaska trip next year, please consider the invitation here. Thanks.

  • Hi Brent,

    We went to AK in 2009. A return trip is on my bucket list. Would consider 2016. I spent a lot of time salmon fishing which left wifee alone. I think going with a few other folks with similar interest would work well for both wifee and I. Although I spent a lot of time salmon fishing, we also did a lot of sight seeing.

    We were there for three months but the next time would like to leave earlier and stay longer.

    Not too early to start planning now. What's the next step?
  • golf_bears wrote:
    Hi Brent,

    We went to AK in 2009. A return trip is on my bucket list. Would consider 2016. I spent a lot of time salmon fishing which left wifee alone. I think going with a few other folks with similar interest would work well for both wifee and I. Although I spent a lot of time salmon fishing, we also did a lot of sight seeing.

    We were there for three months but the next time would like to leave earlier and stay longer.

    Not too early to start planning now. What's the next step?

    Awesome. We expect about 4 months minimum with at least two weeks in the lower 48 back and forth to Arkansas. Could be fun to meet, chat, and get to know each other. What's your August/September RV plans? We've got our Fall trip sort of near your home. If a few more consider it, maybe we could do a pre-trip rally of some sort. Open to ideas.

  • Hi Brent,

    Nice hearing that you may be interested.

    Right now we are in Macomb, MI until mid June. Then we'll move on to WI where we have a home. Will be spending the summer there with a few weekend trips here and there.

    We want to sell the house in WI so will spend the summer there this year to get a bunch of stuff done.

    In late November we'll pack it up and head down to the RGV in TX for the winter. Don't plan on returning to WI for the summer but rather work our way up North and maybe on to AK.

    PM me with your e-mail address and a phone number so we can stay in touch.

    Take care, travel safe.
  • We went in 2013. Hope to go again next year. I will subscribe to this forum so I can keep up with your plans. lizzie
  • Just a suggestion - You will still be structured if traveling for 4 months with 2-6 rigs. Why not do it on your own? It's a easy trip and you tend to see the same people along the way.

    If you stay in campgrounds folks will be sitting outside chatting with each other. Join in. Campgrounds will have cookouts and activities for you.

    You really don't need anyone to go with you to a museum. Side tours/glacier tours can be done alone and you'll have plenty of others along doing the same thing.

    You can't get lost on the trip. Everyone drives the same roads and goes to the same attractions.

    Just keep another option open.