I sill see hear of some people doing the day in and day out mexican insurance. Probably not the best idea. Some US insurance carriers offer mexican coverage IF you have a basic Mexican liability insurance. Progressive Insurance is one we've used. In the case of this fire in the pictures above, the rv's above were parked just behind me. I ran toward the burning rv's with a fire extinguisher but it was too hot, to quick. These rv fires burn a lot quicker than one might think. By the time the "trainee" (they were new bombarderos) fireman got there , it was just to boil/steam up some water from their truck and stir the ashes.
Not to get too carried away, I used to carry 4 or 5 extinguishers in the rv thinking it would be enough. Its not .
By the 2nd bottle, if it the fire ain't out, .........get out............ quickly.