Forum Discussion

nomad2013's avatar
Aug 17, 2015

Mackinac Bridge crossing

Any problem crossing Mackinac Bridge due to winds or anything else? I plan to be in that area in a few days.
  • We just came over it today. No problems at all with the wind or anything else. There's minor construction on the bridge going south (maybe north too) and one lane was closed for a short distance at two separate spots. Light traffic.
  • The bridge is constantly monitored closely. If it's too windy they may even close it - rarely happens. Just drive slow and you'll be just fine. Don't look sideways! :)

    It's a beauty!!!
  • Thanks to all for your excellent advice!
    I will venture with great caution, perhaps using a driver.
    Great responses as usual.
  • Here is some information from the Bridge Authority.
    Mackinaw Bridge info
    Seems lane designation has changed. It now says to drive in right lane at 20 MPH.
    I know it says trucks!
  • You'll have no problems crossing the bridge, as long as you have the FEE $.
  • You'll find that driving the bridge is a cake walk. I've driven many many many times from a motorcycle, car, motorhome, truck/trailer, to semi. I've even done the antique tractor drive 4 times. It's a fabulous view....don't panic and just enjoy the drive. If it's too windy, they will shut it down. That does not happen very often.
  • If you are not comfortable with heights then getting a driver may be the way to go. Personally, I love the view and am amazed at the feat of engineering that built that bridge. Its a fine drive on a calm day, just follow the speed limit and keep your distance from the vehicle in front of you. I have a friend that hates tunnels and will do most anything to avoid going thru one.
  • I've driven over the bridge at least 100 times in all weather conditions. Prior to the bridge you'll see signs for a radio station that is specific for the bridge. Tune into the station and you'll get conditions for crossing, including any wind issues.

    During the summer there is almost always some kind of work being done on the bridge because it's the only time to do it. Winter conditions can be brutal. They sandblast and paint the bridge every year. As a result you'll have to maintain slower speeds in the single lane areas. Nobody goes real fast on the bridge anyway which makes for good views of any boats or freighters and Mackinac Island (the large building you'll see on the island is the Grand Hotel).

    There is a rest area on the north side of the bridge just past the toll booths. Stop in and pick up some tourist literature and check out the info about the bridge and the U.P.

    If you need fuel the best direction is west along US2. North along I-75 there aren't really any fueling options for a while and east of I-75 will take you into downtown St. Ignace.
  • Dr_Holiday wrote:
    I dont do heights at all, and was very nervous about driving over the bridge with winds with a new 38' fifth, and the wife wouldn't drive in the narrow lanes so we got a driver. I hunkered down in the back seat.

    On the way back i braved it and just watched the bumper of the truck ahead of me.

    Wow, I could have written this exact post. But I've done the bridge twice because it's such a beautiful trip and area. I get in the center lane and say a little prayer. Never had an issue.