Forum Discussion

IntrepidBerkele's avatar
Jan 03, 2014

Meet the Maya, Past and Present (Video + Stills)

My film “Mayavision Dos” presents Mayan sites in the Mexican State of Chiapas, featuring Palenque, Mayan murals, plus a lovely waterfall, traditional dance and visiting a Mayan village for their equivalent of Halloween.

This is a free, non-commercial, streaming video on the Windows Media Player. No ads and no strings attached. I sell absolutely nothing.

My video site is:

With any modem you can view the gallery of still pictures from this trip at:

There are 40 of my other free, amateur travel videos on-line including trips to China, Russia, Antarctica, Italy, the UK, Japan, Australia, Bali, Africa, Greece, and Turkey; One of these is the original “Mayavision” featuring the Chichen Itza and Uxmal sites, plus Mexico City.

The planet is yours, including my Home Page giant galaxy of still pictures at:

The Intrepid Berkeley Explorer
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