Jan 13, 2015Explorer
Mexican Diesel Fuel/Sulfur Effects Update
Much to my distress I just learned here in the Southern Baja that the owner of a late model GM diesel pickup paid almost $3,000 to ship his truck back to the USA when it went into limp mode (5 mph) in Los Barriles. It is a 2013 and he experienced the typical signs of TEMPORARY sulfur poisoning of the emissions system. That is, engine light on, followed by DEF QUALITY POOR warning light, then progressive speed limitation.
The reason I'm distressed is because he didn't need to spend the $3,000 !!! These problems are COMPLETELY MANAGEABLE when you know what to do to force a regeneration. The regeneration cycle burns the sulfur compounds out of the system. I can only think that he was not computer literate so never located references to the extensive knowledge base about this issue on the net.
Anyway, if anyone knows of, or hears of, an owner of a late model (post 2007.5) diesel pickup truck having the above problem, PLEASE PUT THAT PERSON IN TOUCH WITH ME IMMEDIATELY at whitetmp@aol.com
Depending on the model year, I can provide the model appropriate information needed to completely manage the problem and NEVER go into limp mode.
Thankfully, the issue of excessive sulfur in Mexican diesel is almost over. Pemex announce last September that it had allocated funds to refurbish their refineries during 2015 so that ULSD (Ulta Low Sulfur Diesel) will be available across 60% of Mexico by mid-year and throughout Mexico by early 2016. Let's hope they stick to the promised timetable.
The reason I'm distressed is because he didn't need to spend the $3,000 !!! These problems are COMPLETELY MANAGEABLE when you know what to do to force a regeneration. The regeneration cycle burns the sulfur compounds out of the system. I can only think that he was not computer literate so never located references to the extensive knowledge base about this issue on the net.
Anyway, if anyone knows of, or hears of, an owner of a late model (post 2007.5) diesel pickup truck having the above problem, PLEASE PUT THAT PERSON IN TOUCH WITH ME IMMEDIATELY at whitetmp@aol.com
Depending on the model year, I can provide the model appropriate information needed to completely manage the problem and NEVER go into limp mode.
Thankfully, the issue of excessive sulfur in Mexican diesel is almost over. Pemex announce last September that it had allocated funds to refurbish their refineries during 2015 so that ULSD (Ulta Low Sulfur Diesel) will be available across 60% of Mexico by mid-year and throughout Mexico by early 2016. Let's hope they stick to the promised timetable.