Forum Discussion

navegator's avatar
Mar 25, 2020

Mexican face mask

How to make a Mexican face mask and be compliant with the regulations.

Start with a plastic glass or cup, make two holes one on each side and place a string that is the same length on both sides so that one strings goes over the ear and the other under the chin, repeat for the other side, fill the glass with Tequila, Mescal or your favorite alcoholic beverage, place glass on face attach with string securely.

Now you are using a protective face mask and are using the alcohol correctly.

Espero que esten sanos y guardaditos.
( hope you are healthy and sequestered)

  • I like the way you think lol. Yesterday my buddy gave me a can of beer he had cleaned with perfumed hand sanitizer (the can not the beer). I didn't accept his offer of a second. Next time I'll use a glass!!
  • No you do not need to go to Mexico, this can and should be used everywhere and by everyone, this is Mexican ingenuity and humor wile fasing hardship, the alcohol needs to also be used inside, trying to drink hand sanitzer it just tastes terrible Tequila, Mescal, Snaps, beer, wine, white lightning, what ever you prefer, you can also make a drink that is comon in Mexico, purchse one litter of alcohol in the morning from the farmacia in a wide mouth jar and eight to ten squezed half oranges from the guy that sells orange juice on the street they will be free.

    Place oranges in jar with alcohol and let stand in the sun until about noon, this you drink with chiles, tortillas and friloles refritos this will keep you alive no matter what virus you get, I got this recepy from the guys that colect the trash every day, they sometimes have la merienda "lunch" on the median in front of the house.

    So enjoy la vida loca, nomas tenemos una y hay que gozarla.

  • Considering that here in Guerrero, we are asked to use social distancing, but there are no other restrictions, yet, the answer to your question is NO!!!

    However, we have an extra 20 kilo bag of dog food to hold us through if it does hit the fan.

    No, we won't be eating dog food, and HOPEFULLY not eating toilet paper! The masks, however, could be really really fun!
  • Do you have to go to Mexico to use it?

    If so you may not be coming back for awhile but who cares?
  • Thank you for the much needed and important, accurate protection information.
    I will send your excellent advice and instructions to my brother in Cabo for follow up, to make sure he is safe!!
  • Decisions, decisions. Do we use Tequila or local Mezcal? We must be safe.