From and Cats:If you wish to take your dog or cat from Mexico to Canada, you will have to obtain rabies and other vaccination certificates from a veterinarian. These health certificates must be issued in letterhead paper in Spanish and English or French no more than a week prior to your departure date. For details on what the health certificate of your animal should mention, please visit the above mentionned website. To obtain a travel certificate, you will also need to present a copy of your veteriarian's licence and up-to-date certificates of vaccination and disinfestation for your pet.
Your dog or cat may enter Canada without quarantine if the certificate shows that the animal was vaccinated against rabies not more than one year and not less than 30 days preceding the date of importation into Canada. Rabies vaccination is not recognized if it is performed before the animal reaches three months of age. Fees are payable in Canada for inspection of cats and dogs being imported or returning to Canada.
In Case of Border Crossing by Air from Mexico City: Before your departure, please verify with your airline if they accept transporting animals out of Mexico and their requirements.
At the airport: Take both rabies and health certificates to the International Airport in Mexico City, Gate E, International Arrivals, to obtain the travel certificate (Certificado de Exportación de Animales from SAGARPA).