The super-carretera from Mexico City to Cuernavaca was opened a long time ago, it probably has paid for it self many times over, the libre is still there.
Going 10 mph behind a black shoot belching camion de carga (cargo Truck) going up the mountain on the curves where you can not see who is coming and you have a Mexican Macho driver behind trying to overtake everybody is not my idea of travelling.
The road from Esperaza to Orizaba on the old road going down the mountain in Aculzingo was the most dangerous road in Mexico, when the fog rolled in you could not see the road and every body would wait until the fog lifted, then it became a race to the bottom or to the top, depending on where you were, and then the switchbacks, and the drop offs, I drove that road going to Veracruz sevaral times, I also drive the new road, and it is nice, no switch backs and the desperado can go kill himself with out me being involved.
We take the cuotas all the time, since we always travell at 55 mph (88.55 kph)
or 90 kph roughlly and we stay on the right lane so that all those that want to pass have a whole lane to race all they want.
Are toll roads expensive YES, are they woth it for some yes for others no, some Mexicans can not aford them, you need to take into consideration how roads began, small foot paths, latter horses and buggies, then cars.
Some of the roads in Mexico where built during the Presidency of lazaro Cardenas and he wanted the roads to pass by all the towns, that is how the road to Morelia ended having more curves tan what was needed, the new toll roads take a more direct route and by-pass a lot of towns, therefore no need for the towns loved TOPES. (speed bump)
It is up to the individual person to take the toll road or the libre, some of the libres are very nice as in scenery, as oposed to the toll roads that tend to be more sterile, it is entirelly up to you to pay or not to pay.
Some of the new toll roads also save a lot of time by going in a more direct route rather than going all over, that translates into less time getting there for those that suffer from the terrible malady of getthereitis.
We take the toll roads when they are available, I do not like to beat my RV to death with the loved TOPES (speed bump)
I started travelling in Mexico with my dad he had to go for the company more that 60 years ago, so yes I have seen the roads change, belive it or not we used to use a tent, never had a problem.