Gasoline in Mexico goes up 0.20 cents of a peso per month and never goes down, it just goes up and up, this comes from our niece in Mexico City a half an hour ago, 7:00 PM (19:00)Pacific daylight time gas is about 13.30 pesos for one LITTER of gasoline, so a little cheaper than what we are paying in San Diego, at the moment it is about $3.78 a gallon of regular more for premium.
So are we going to continue to use the super carreteras de cobro, yes we are, they provide a service and we are happy to use them, NO TOPES good pavement, if there is a place that we want to go to that only has a LIRE we will go down the libre, no problem, we will go a little slower and watch out for topes, burros, schools, broken down camiones de carga, etc.