Briansue, you are absolutely correct. Pemex lies their ass off as well as the Mexican government. Just as much as US oil companies and the US government.
Half of the land that was taken for cuotas was stolen. Promises were made to campesinos about purchase price. Down payments were made and the rest of the money was never seen. Eduardo Aguierre Chacon is a good friend of mine, a fellow Manguero. The autopista developera promised him 85,000 pesos per hectaria for land to build Mex 14-D. I read in my wrinkled little hands the contract. The owners of the autopista paid him 30,000 pesos and that was NINE YEARS AGO. Not a cent since and there is no jurisprudence to rectify the problem of outright theft. This has happened all over Mexico.
As far as refining crude oil is concerned Petroleos Mexicanos went in league with Shell Oil Co to greatly enlarge the Deer Park Texas, Shell Oil / Pemex joint venture refinery. Crude is brought up to the Houston ship channel from Campeche, refined then returned to Mexico. This is how the country gets it's UBA Pemex premium gasoline.
To use the word subsidy with Pemex combustibles is asinine. There is zero not one cent of general funds spent to get refined fuel to the public. Quite the opposite is true. All the profit is sucked dry leaving no money for proper expansion and development of facilities to manufacture UBA diesel. To manufacture UBA premium gasoline, Pemex is engaged in a crash effort to modify the Salina Cruz, Oaxaca refinacion so UBA does not have to be transported cross country from Villahermosa or Veracruz.
Trucks, cargo trucks are referred to as "Trailers", or "Traylors" in Mexico. Meaning a tractor hauling one or two what we call trailers in English. Use the word camion, and people thinking you're talking about a passenger bus. Use the formal title camion de cargo and la gente will think you are an SCT employee or really weird. Autobus is usually reserved for municipal or local buses.
Hope This Helps