I do not know what you are trying to arrive at.
The Mexican people accept a lot of things with out question, the price of the aoutopista de cobro, la mordida, los narcos, los gobernantes corruptos.
(tool rodas, bribes, drug smuglers, corrupt governors)
Those are things that will not change in our life times, it will take many generations, the influence comes from the North to change some of the corruption but as the generations come into power they find out that there is a lot of money comming theire way from the bottom that is unacounted for and tax free, do you think that they are going to let go of the hueso (bone) they become corrupt in a span of one month or less.
The toll road prices are not going to change, the corruption is not going away, the narcos are not going away, all of this is a buisness in itself, the persons that get the money from the venues as in Pemex and all other government owned and or conseciones will not change, they are to lucrative to let go.
What is it that you want to find out, there is not much that we can do about what the Mexican government wants to do, we are turistas and that is it.